All Media Chaplains are committed to providing confidential service to media personnel, even when confidentiality is not requested. We respect everyone’s confidentiality, which helps to ensure a relationship of trust.
Definition of Confidentiality
The Chaplain understands confidentiality to mean that no information regarding a person shall be shared either directly or indirectly with anyone else within or outside MCNZ, without that person’s prior expressed consent; except where issues of safety or legality apply (see below).
Consent to Share Information
To give the best kind of support, we may ask an individual if we may share information with another member of the Chaplaincy Team. Verbal consent is all that would be required. If we feel that it would benefit the person to share information with someone outside the Chaplaincy, then the person would be asked to provide consent in writing. In either case, if consent is not given, we would respect that decision.
Limits to Confidentiality
Confidentiality cannot be maintained when:
disclosure is required by law;
the physical health or safety of any person is at risk;
there is a risk of serious exploitation or abuse;
there are serious concerns about the mental health of the person involved.
Please see section 2.6 for the definition of a vulnerable person.
On these occasions, the following steps will be taken:
The Media Chaplaincy Team Member will raise the matter immediately with the manager of MCNZ. A written record of the discussion is encouraged.
If an agreement cannot be reached among members of the Chaplaincy Team, the final decision will be made by the CBA CEO.
The individual involved will be informed, as far as practicable, of the decision to breach confidentiality and the reasons why the decision has been taken.
All complaints or concerns, no matter how slight or immaterial they might seem, need to be passed on or raised with the MCNZ Manager or Lead Chaplain.
Administrative matters can be reported to MCNZ manager
For matters of a pastoral nature, they can report to the Lead Chaplain.
Please refer to Media Chaplaincy Confidentiality Policy for any complaints relating to confidentiality.
Regarding complaints against a media chaplain:
Any person may lodge a complaint.
A formal complaint must be made in writing and submitted to the MCNZ Manager or Lead Chaplain who will refer the complaint to the CEO of CBA.
Upon receipt of a written complaint, the CEO of CBA shall, within seven days, notify the chaplain. Such notification is to be in writing.
The CEO, in consultation with the appropriate members, after consideration of all the evidence before it, shall adopt one or more of the following measures:
a) Take no further action.
b) Caution, reprimand or censure the chaplain.
c) Refer the case to the CBA Board of Trustees.Irrespective of which measure is taken, we will reply to the complainant to let them know what action was or is to be taken.